Reconcile a heart with a cuppa
Sometimes new Muslims have to hide their faith. Our monthly coffee mornings and pizza nights offer a safe space for them to connect, share and find courage.
Your help could buy someone coffee
Your help could pay for pizza for two
Your help could feed a group gathered for Allah
Our monthly meet-ups have been the core of our work for over a decade. They are open to newcomers, seasoned converts, the tentative inquirer and anyone interested in Islam.
We gather to read and discuss texts, welcome guest speakers, and explore what it means to be Muslim. Participants are able to share their experiences, ask questions and express their views without facing expectation or judgement.
By meeting other converts and building community, new Muslims are able to find their own answers with confidence and ease.
Your support could help us reconcile nervous hearts through the beauty of Islamic hospitality. By buying someone a coffee or feeding them, we can encourage more people to participate and help make newcomers feel welcome.
‘Cambridge Crescent host regular and varied opportunities to meet, making it an actively operating community network. This means they actively encourage multifaceted growth and learning, to become well rounded in one's faith, life, and worship. I would recommend this group to anyone seeking hope, good humour, great coffee(!), and respect in the lifelong journey of being a Muslim.’ – Hannah
The Messenger of God, peace be upon him, said, “God most Exalted said, ‘My love belongs by right to those who love one another in Me, to those who sit together in Me, to those who visit one another in Me, and to those who give generously to one another in Me.’” - Malik
The services we provide for new Muslims are Zakat compliant. As Allah guides us to whom to give, as illustrated in the verse below, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was also known to give and reconcile hearts.
'The charitable offerings are only for the poor, and the destitute and those who collect (the zakat) and those whose hearts are (to be) reconciled and for (ransoming) slaves and debtors and in God’s path, and the wayfarer, as an obligation from God and God is Knowing , Wise.’ — Holy Qur’an 9: 60