Our story
“Be like the sun for grace and mercy. Be like the night to cover others’ faults. Be like running water for generosity. Be like death for rage and anger. Be like the earth for modesty. Appear as you are. Be as you appear.”
Who Are We?
We are volunteer run group dedicated to supporting anyone who is interested in Islam or has already taken shahada, the testimony of faith.
Whether you know a little or have been learning about Islam for years, this in-person support group with other converts is a valuable source of information, guidance and practical help.
Even if you’re not local, we can connect you with a network of helpful new Muslims!
Our Story
Cambridge Crescent is a safe space for people interested in Islam or those who have already taken shahada. For those striving to be faithful to their belief in Islam while remaining open-hearted to their own past, and present, journey.
When the Cambridge Muslim College – an independent educational institution aimed at developing Muslim thought leadership – opened its doors ten years ago it also offered the Cambridge Crescent a home, and a place to hold its first meeting. Without expectations and with no plan we held our first coffee morning. As we sipped coffee and shared croissants each person – all converts to Islam – introduced themselves and told their story.
Most of us were unknown to one another. Each one briefly and cautiously introduced themselves to the group of almost twenty people, but as we moved around the circle the stories opened up, and entire life stories unfolded moving us to tears. It became apparent how great the need was to bring converts together in a space, to laugh, cry, share and feel safe with one another. To find a friend, companion, an acquaintance, a brother, or a sister on this journey where paths crossed at this moment in time in Cambridge, in the hope that meaningful and supportive connections could be made.
Our Vision
Since that first day the Crescent has blossomed, with members joining from London, Leeds, Essex, Scotland, Oxford, Bristol, Peterborough, Ely, the USA, Lithuania, Romania, Poland, Portugal, Italy, Switzerland and many more countries besides, reflecting the nature of Cambridge – often a transient place for many either due to work or study – and the challenges of meeting the needs of members who often have limited time here before they leave. Cambridge Crescent hopes that connections remain, and stories continue to be told.
Our aim is to strengthen the inner journey with outer knowledge, as exemplified in the prophetic life, his companions and our scholars.
The hope is to be together in a community of like-minded men and women who meet in a group and in the community to support one another without judgement, in kindness and care with the awareness of God and the prophet in their hearts wherever they are.
What We Offer
Taking shahadah is simultaneously the final step in the quest and a new beginning. After the initial excitement and enthusiasm of being welcomed into the new faith, where does one go to find support and learn how to become a Muslim? A university town with all the brains and books, but where does one meet Muslims? Where is the community of like-minded people who appreciate the experience of leaving something of yourself behind and replacing it with something new, something inexplicable and wholly unknowable and yet utterly necessary to one’s being?
Since that first coffee morning we have held regular meetings. We have read books on seera (the life of the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him), spirituality and ritual practices in Islam. We have held workshops, lectures, mindfulness retreats, picnics, as well as training sessions for members. While we learn together, we are always mindful of the primary purpose of these meetings; to hold a safe space where members can share a burden or good news, or where they can celebrate, find practical help, offer support and find new friendships.
Our group includes women and men from all walks of life who meet to talk freely, ask questions and share experiences. We provide coffee and cake, and a safe space to explore and guide each other through our journey.
We arrange lectures, informal talks, events and retreats and social gatherings. Marriage, birth and death are life’s great events, but the challenges lie in how we navigate through the passages that bring us to these big moments. Supporting people before and after marriage, during sickness, after birth, and providing care when a loved one passes, are some moments for which we can build a community of support for converts through the Crescent group.
We do not claim to have all the answers, but we would like to offer support and help to find solutions.