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Programme 1: Rising Above the Self - Building Communities of Service

  • Cambridge Central Mosque 309-313, Mill Road Cambridge, CB1 3DF United Kingdom (map)

Ta’leef, an American-based organisation that supports people on their journey into Islam, will be visiting our community in Cambridge to share and discuss the etiquette on the prophetic call within the grassroots communities on ‘Rising Above the Self: Building Communities of Service’.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was sent to mankind to perfect and refine the character of humanity (Sahih Muslim, 273).

The refinement of character is a lifelong journey and it’s not merely an individual affair for each Muslim. Muslims are part of a wider body and the entire prophetic community has been given a mantle and collective responsibility of living in accordance with the message of prophecy.

Audience: Open to the wider community

Itinerary: Talk, Asr Prayer, Q&A and Dua

14 July

Coffee Morning (July)

18 July

Programme 2: Life After Conversion - Easing New Muslims into the Community