Rawdat al-Shuhada by Imam Husayn Kashifi
The annual Cambridge recital of the Rawdat al-Shuhada by Imam Husayn Kashifi. Kashifi, who died in 1504, was the preacher at the Friday Mosque of Herat, now in Afghanistan. A major jurist of the Hanafi school, he wrote several tafsir works and a famous commentary on Hadith. His Rawda is recited today in many places in the month of Muharram, to recall the sorrows of the Prophetic family, and to remind us of the Islamic virtue of patience in adversity. In Türkiye it is popular in a well-known translation by Fuduli (d.1556).
Our Cambridge version is a strongly abbreviated version of the original, with many recitals and songs in English, to benefit the audience. The melodies are taken from Celtic originals.
The text of this version is available from bookshops and online (scroll down).
Video: Annual Cambridge recital of the Rawdat al-Shuhada with Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad, Ali Keeler, Dr Mohsin Badat and Hafiz Mustafa Şahin.
Video: Shaykh Abdal Hakim shares the historical importance of the Rawdat al-Shuhada and the announcement of the debut album by the Alborán group (May 2015).
Video: The importance of 'Dates, Destination & Deliverance' with Imam Zakarya Gangat - Friday Sermon.
Litanies and songs about the great Muharram commemoration of Husayn Vaiz Kashifi, the poet of Herat. Featuring soulful Celtic melodies and unique English, Arabic and Celtic words. Learn the sorrows of the Prophetic House, and the greatness of their allies and true followers.
Paperback - 44 pages
By Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad (Dr Timothy Winter)
Published - 2015
ISBN - 9781902350110